Future growth and economic prosperity will be driven by leaders who have the skills and knowledge to inspire excellence, growth and change while navigating a complex world. These are the skills and knowledge that are at the core of a University of Auckland MBA.
Successfully completing our MBA will give you confidence, capability and the capacity to meet all professional challenges and opportunities head on.
Note: The information on this page is for new applicants. Current students will continue to study the 240-point MBA in 2019
Programme structure
The MBA programme is taught on a quarter-based system for the duration of the programme. Each quarter consists of classes delivered in weeks 1-10, assessments held in week 11, and week 12 is a break week. Classes are delivered in weekend block format on a Friday afternoon and evening, and all day Saturday.
In the final quarter of the MBA programme you will have a practical opportunity to work alongside a New Zealand or international business in an advisory capacity, to develop strategic recommendations for growth locally and/or internationally. This quarter may also involve an international business trip.